Cyber Safety is an important part of being able to use technology effectively in the classroom (especially our iPads). We have begun learning all about what it means to be Cyber Safe and learnt tips and tricks to use when using technology at home and in the classroom.
This week we brainstormed what we knew about Cyber Safety using an app called "Idea Sketch".
"Aden - Grade 4"
We then watched some animations that focussed on two areas of Cyber Safety.
1. Emailing (Do not open emails from people who you don't know as they might be a virus or a scam.)
2. Searching on the Net (If you come across inappropriate content online close the window you are working in. If this does not work close the browser or the computer. Be sure to tell a trusted adult also.)
We discussed each area and added any new learning to our original "Idea Sketch" brainstorm. We used this program so we could visualise our learning.
"Aden - Grade 4"