Monday 29 July 2013

Our Fake Blogs

This week we learnt all about blogging and what it's used for. A blog is a website that anyone can create and contribute to on any topic they choose. We learnt that blogs can be used for two different reasons.

1. To educate yourself (When you follow a blog/s.)
2. To educate others (When you create a blog of your own and people follow you.)

We decided to create our own fake blogs in class to get an idea of how they work. During this process we learnt the DO's and DONT'S of blogging. (Only use first names, don't give out surnames / addresses / phone numbers / personal information of individuals)

We also focussed on the ability to post comments on a blog and the importance of showing respect when doing this.

The lessons we have learnt in this class we will use when contributing to our "Fabulous Fatima" blog.

Here is an example of the blogs we created in class...

"Ben - 6A"

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